
The intense interconnectedness of all natural things is often explained as good (mutualism) or bad (parasitism). Even obviously communal relationships like what exists between trees in a dense forest canopy can often be reduced to a battleground with each tree locked in a branch-to-branch, root-to-root fight to the death over sun and water-or- equally misrepresented as a compassionate community of interconnected nods sharing resources and collectively managing the micro-climate. The reality is that all of the above is taking place in a three-dimensional gradient of incentives, geometry, and unknowable spirt-stuff. The same can be said of motherhood.


Measures 14.5" tall with base.
An experimental, sculptural piece made of porcelain with complimenting wooden base.


The body was wheel thrown and trimmed. Each tendril (the contrasting texture pictured) was made and placed, one at a time, upon the form. A lip/border was then created with intentional cracking to transition the two surfaces.

Initially, I was apprehensive to share this piece but am proud I was able to deliver this concept through to fruition. It was a therapeutic exercise in discipline and intention and the result has inspired me to share.

It is representative of the insidious, anxious loops my brain was experiencing during the later months of quarantine.

The tendrils are symbols of complex thought and are contrasted next to the smooth surface representing simple thought. Complexity is colonizing like mycelium and suffocating a defenseless simple plain.

The piece rests on top of a narrow wooden base heavily penetrated by spalting fungus and is intentionally precarious to emote the vulnerability of my mind in this state.