
How long will it take for me to RECEIVE my item?

Shipping time varies from item to item. If it's stocked, you will typically receive your order within 7-10 business days. If it's a made to order, you will receive it within 4-6 weeks of purchase. For details, see individual items.

AM I responsible for customs and import taxes?

Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. However, we are not responsible for any delays due to customs.

Returns and exchanges

Do you accept returns, cancellations, or exchanges?

We gladly accept returns, cancellations, and exchanges.

Contact us within: 14 days of delivery

Ship items back within: 30 days of delivery

Request a cancellation within: 2 days of purchase

Can custom or personalized orders be returned or exchanged?

Unless they arrive damaged or defective, we do not accept returns or exchanges for custom or personalized orders.

Additional information on returns and EXCHANGES...

More than anything, we want you to be totally happy with your order. If you are not, please contact us. We will work something out on an individual basis. We do our absolute best to make sure items are shipped securely. However if something winds up breaking during transit, please send a photo if possible of the broken item.



Due to the highly sensitive nature of creating a handmade good, there will likely be differences from item to item. Because we are not a factory, there will be evidence of our hands and time. We hope you'll see this as an enhancement and not a flaw.